I'd like to say “my work speaks for itself,” and leave it at that, but I’ll elaborate lest I appear smug.

In fashioning work in iron my intent is neither a personal expression of my politics, hopes, or lofty aspirations, nor to portray a particular concept of beauty. Rather, I aspire to the expression of something intuitive; something beyond ideas perceived directly; an expression of a universal aesthetic.

If it’s necessary to label, “craftsman” fits better than “artist.” Here’s why: in the public imagination art has become synonymous with the expression, often outrageous, of personal ideals. Andy Warhol cynically characterized the extreme case when he said “Art is what you can get away with.” So I prefer “craftsman” to assert that I’m not trying to get away with anything. I believe there may be universal expressions of beauty -- which nevertheless do not deny individual style -- and it is when we realize this profoundly human potential that our acts best inspire others.

“Art isn’t made; it’s in the world almost unseen but found existent there. We paint, we score the sound in music, we write it down.” - William Bronk